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Nekane Guarrotxena

Spanish National Research Council Spain

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Bi-Cheng Wang


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Boris Zaslavsky

Cleveland Diagnostics USA

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Henry M Sobell

University of Rochester USA

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Jeffrey Skolnick

Biology Georgia Institute of Technology USA

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Jianshe Zhang

Changsha University China

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Ida Pucci Minafra

University of Palermo Italy

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John H Miller

University of Wellington New Zealand

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About Conference


Conference Series LLC Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend “5th International Conference on Metabolomics and Proteomics” at Sydney, Australia in the course of February 10-11, 2020.

Theme of the Metabolomics summit 2020 is New Era in Metabolomics and Proteomics” is designed in such a way to uncover the basic principles that lead to the drastic emergence and technologies in the field of Biotechnology.  We hope Metabolomics Summit 2020 is the best platform to discuss the basic principles investigation of new research Innovation of Metabolomics and spread the most recent advancements and patterns in Metabolic profiling. Metabolomics and Cancer Research, LC-MS and GC-MS Techniques, lipidomics, Metabolomic Devices, Molecule metabolites, Proteomics, Protein Expression and more. As this conference deals with the basics concepts, students, delegates, academicians and business people can attend the 5th International Conference on Metabolomics and Proteomics to root up the knowledge and excel in this field.

Conference Series LLC Ltd organizes a Conference Series of 3000+ Global Events with over 1000+ Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and 1000+ Workshops in USA, Europe, and Middle East & Asia pacific with support from 1000 more Scientific Societies and publishes 700+ Open access Journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.



Sessions and Tracks


Track 1: Metabolomics

Metabolomics is the scientific study of chemical processes which constitutes metabolites, called as small molecule substrates, intermediates and is the precise study of special chemical fingerprints having such cellular processes leave behind, the study of their small-molecule substance Profiles. The word metabolite shows the complete set of metabolites in a biological cell, tissue, organ or organism, which are the end products of cellular processes. Metabolomics produce a direct "functional readout of the physiological state" of an entity. It is One of the challenges of systems biology and functional genomics to integrate genomics, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic information to provide a better understanding of cellular biology.

Related Socities and Associations:

Metabolomics Australia, Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, Japanese Biochemistry Society, Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Zealand society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Metabolomics Society.

Related conferences

Metabolomics Conferences, Proteomics Conferences, Biochemistry Conferences, Top Metabolomics Conferences, Proteomics Congress, Biochemistry Meetings

Track 2: Cancer Metabolomics

Cancer is an overwhelming sickness that changes the digestion system of a cell and the encompassing milieu.  in pharmaceutical examination Metabolomics may be a usually fast ANd precise procedure which will be connected with either turning into an inexorably thought instrument within the life sciences or in an exceedingly worldwide thanks to uncover new learning concerning organic frameworks.  The Division of Cancer Biology (DCB) bolsters and encourages fundamental examination in every aspect of tumour science at scholastic establishments and exploration establishments over the United States and abroad. Cancer biomarkers within the clinic, to search out pathways enclosed in illness that might be utilised for brand spanking new targets and to screen metabolic biomarkers amid remedial mediation.

Related Socities and Associations:

NIH West Coast Metabolomics Center, Metabolomics Workbench; Sciex Metabolomics Community, North West Metabolomics research centre, Canadian Society for Systems Biology, Human Metabolome Technologies (HMT), The International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB) , ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology.

Related conferences

Proteomics Events, Metabolomics Congress, Metabolomics Conference Sydney, Proteomics Conferences Australia, Biochemistry Congress,

Track 3: Edibilomics

Nutritional metabolomics is rapidly growing to use little molecule chemical identification to support integration of diet and nutrition in complicated bio systems analysis. These improvements are basic to encourage progress of nutritious sciences from populace based to individual-based criteria for wholesome research, appraisal and administration. Food-omits applications  include the genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomics, study of foods for compound profiling, authenticity, biomarker-detection related to food quality or safety; the development of new transgenic foods. Using metabolomics, researchers can quantitatively analyze non-innate factors that are incorporated into post genomic and post transcriptional change.

Related Socities and Associations:

PhenoMeNal consortium, Canadian Society for Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American association for the advancement of science, American association for cancer research, American association of pharmaceutical scientists, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), American cancer society.

Related conferences

 Biochemistry Events, Metabolomics Conferences 2020, Proteomics Conferences 2020, Biochemistry Conferences 2020, Metabolomics Summit 2020

Track 4: Lipidomics

Lipidomics is a growing field using plentiful applications. For examining different cell varieties ESI mass spectroscopy is used. Identification of lipid composition and quantification of cellular lipids gives us details about the lipid related pathway which also helps in identification of metabolic pathways and the effected enzymes. The need for bioinformatics is to manage and integrate the experimental data in various aspects, such as, for lipid classification, ontologies, database design, analysis, and visual display and play diverse roles in human physiology.

Related Socities and Associations:

Bioinformatics society of India, Nutrigenomics Organization. The British Society for Genetic Medicine, The Genetics Society, Netherlands metabolomics center, The Australian biotechnology association, Human Proteome Organization, Indiana Proteomics Consortium, Proteome Society, European federation of biotechnology, Australasian Proteomics Society.

Related conferences

 Proteomics Summit 2020, Protein Conferences, Bioinformatics conferences, Lipidomics Conferences, Genomics Conferences, Epigenetics Conferences

Track 5: Computational Methodologies

Computational Biology is a quickly developing field, at the interface of engineering, arithmetic, physics and biology to review, analyze and distinguish advanced organic systems by taking resultant integrated systems vision victimization process methodologies. Computational systems biology provides a point of merging for genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and computational modelling and plays a key role in the fast progression of the evolving field by the outstanding developments in biology and computer science.

Related Socities and Associations:

Clinical Genetics Society, Metabolomics Society, NIH West Coast Metabolomics Center, Metabolomics Workbench; Sciex Metabolomics Community, North West Metabolomics research centre, Canadian Society for Systems Biology, Human Metabolome Technologies (HMT), The International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB).

Related conferences

 Proteomics Summit 2020, Protein Conferences, Bioinformatics Conferences, Lipidomics Conferences, Genomics Conferences, Epigenetics Conferences

Track 6: Case Report

Case report aids in the identification of advanced developments in discover of new drugs, its side effects and potential usage. It even analyzes limited manifestations of a disease. Case reports play a significant role in medical discipline thereby administering a structure for case-based training.

Related Socities and Associations:

Metabolomics Australia, Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, Japanese Biochemistry Society, Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Zealand society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Metabolomics Society.

Related conferences

Microbiomics Conferences, Foodomics Conferences , Metabolomics Conferences Asia, Proteomics Conferences Asia, Metabolomics Meetings

Track 7: Recent Advancements in Metabolomics

Over a period of time, metabolomics studies have identified several related biomarkers tangled in complex clinical phenotypes using diverse biological systems. These biomarkers can be used to develop personalized prognostic, diagnostic, and treatment approaches. These discovered biomarkers can also be applied further in monitoring of disease progression, treatment efficacy. Metabolomics in Drug Discovery and testing of new drugs provide insight into the on- and off-target effects of drugs.

Related Socities and Associations:

NIH West Coast Metabolomics Center, Metabolomics Workbench; Sciex Metabolomics Community, North West Metabolomics research centre, Canadian Society for Systems Biology, Human Metabolome Technologies (HMT), The International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB) , ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology.

Related conferences

Metabolomics Conferences, Proteomics Conferences, Biochemistry Conferences, Top Metabolomics Conferences, Proteomics Congress, Biochemistry meetings

Track 8: Microbial Metabolism

Microbial metabolism is the resources by which a microbe obtains the energy and nutrients. Microbial metabolomics is one of the platforms for integrating biological information into systems microbiology to facilitate the understanding of microbial interactions and cellular functions. Microbes use many different types of metabolic strategies and species can frequently be segregated from each other based on metabolic features. Bacterial metabolism focuses on the chemical mixture of substrate oxidations and dissimilation reactions by which generally function in bacteria to generate energy. The scope of bacterial metabolism is the study of the uptake and use of the inorganic or organic compounds required for growth and maintenance of a cellular steady state.

Related Socities and Associations:

PhenoMeNal consortium, Canadian Society for Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American association for the advancement of science, American association for cancer research, American association of pharmaceutical scientists, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), American cancer society.

Related conferences

Proteomics Events, Metabolomics Congress, Metabolomics Conference Sydney, Proteomics Conferences Australia, Biochemistry Congress

Track 9: Proteomics

Proteomics is that the large-scale study of proteins .Proteins square measure important components of living organisms, with several functions . The proteome is the entire set of proteins that is  modified by an organism or system. Proteins are often used specifically to refer to protein purification and mass spectrometry. Proteomics has allowed the identification of  increasing  numbers of protein. Proteomics is an interdisciplinary field that has promoted greatly from the genetic information of various genome projects. proteomics is the study of biological systems. Proteins are macromolecules, with long chains of amino acids. This amino acid chain is builded when the cellular machinery of the ribosome translates RNA transcripts from DNA in the cell's nucleus. The transfer of information within cells commonly happens through DNA to RNA to protein.

Related Socities and Associations:

Bioinformatics society of India, Nutrigenomics Organization. The British Society for Genetic Medicine, The Genetics Society, Netherlands metabolomics center, The Australian biotechnology association, Human Proteome Organization, Indiana Proteomics Consortium, Proteome Society, European federation of biotechnology, Australasian Proteomics Society.

Related conferences

 Biochemistry Events, Metabolomics Conferences 2020, Proteomics Conferences 2020, Biochemistry Conferences 2020, Metabolomics Summit 2020,

Track 10: Epigenomics and Epigenetics

Genetics refers to the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms. It is the field of biology but intersects frequently with many other life sciences. It is strongly connected with the study of information systems. Epigenetics refers to the study of effect on gene activity and gene expression by chromosomal changes and also heritable phenotypic change that doesn’t come from modification of a genome.

Epigenomics is the study of complete set of epigenetic changes on the genetic material of a cell, This process is known as epigenome. The field is similar to genomics and proteomics, which are the study of the genome and proteome of a cell.

Related Socities and Associations:

Clinical Genetics Society, Metabolomics Society, NIH West Coast Metabolomics Center, Metabolomics Workbench; Sciex Metabolomics Community, North West Metabolomics research centre, Canadian Society for Systems Biology, Human Metabolome Technologies (HMT), The International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB).

Related conferences

 Proteomics Summit 2020, Protein Conferences, Bioinformatics Conferences, Lipidomics conferences, Genomics Conferences, Epigenetics Conferences,

Track 11: Next-generation sequencing

Next generation sequencing (NGS), is a high-throughput approaches to DNA sequencing using the idea of extremely parallel processing; it is also called Massive parallel sequencing. Next generation sequencing is an Application of genetic sequencing which is used to identify the populations at high risk or target therapies to patients those who are likely to respond. The Next generation sequencing (NGS) market assessment was made based on products, technologies, end users, applications and geography, Illumina (Solexa) sequencing, Roche 454 sequencing, Ion torrent: Proton / PGM sequencing.

Related Socities and Associations:

Metabolomics Australia, Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, Japanese Biochemistry Society, Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Zealand society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Metabolomics Society.

Related conferences

Microbiomics Conferences, Foodomics Conferences , Metabolomics Conferences Asia, Proteomics Conferences Asia, Metabolomics meetings

Track 12: Pharmacogenomics

Pharmacogenomics is the study of role of genetics in drug response. It deals with the impact of genetic variation on drug response. In patients by associating organic phenomenon or single-nucleotide polymorphisms with drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination, moreover as drug receptor target effects. Pharmacogenomics targets to progress rational means that to boost drug medical care, with relation to the patients' genotype, to make sure most effectiveness with lowest adverse effects. Pharmacogenetics focuses on single drug-gene interactions. It helps in Improve drug safety, and reduce ADRs,Tailor treatments to meet patients' unique genetic pre-disposition, identifying optimal dosing.

Related Socities and Associations:

NIH West Coast Metabolomics Center, Metabolomics Workbench; Sciex Metabolomics Community, North West Metabolomics research centre, Canadian Society for Systems Biology, Human Metabolome Technologies (HMT), The International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB) , ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology.

Related conferences

Metabolomics conferences, Proteomics conferences, Biochemistry conferences, Top Metabolomics Conferences, Proteomics Congress, Bio Chemistry Meetings

Track 13: Enzyme Nanotechnology

The nanomaterials have ideal characteristics to equilibrate principal factors that confirm biocatalysts potency, as well as specific expanse, mass transfer resistance and effective catalyst loading. This review presents  in the current scenario and techniques in enzyme immobilization. Some methods are used which are well-organized to combine proteins/enzymes with nanoparticles. Immobilization process is to adjust the operational performance of an enzyme for industrial uses. So far different mediums have been termed in the works to improve the performance of the immobilized enzymes. With the advent of nanotechnology, the nanomaterials because of their unique physico-chemical properties constitute novel and interesting matrices for enzyme immobilization.

Related Socities and Associations:

PhenoMeNal consortium, Canadian Society for Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American association for the advancement of science, American association for cancer research, American association of pharmaceutical scientists, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), American cancer society.

Related conferences

Proteomics Events, Metabolomics Congress, Metabolomics Conference Sydney, Proteomics Conferences Australia, Biochemistry Congress

Track 14: Molecular Medicine and Diagnostics

Molecular medicine is a wide field that deals with the improvement of diseases at a molecular level and classifies fundamental molecular and genetic errors of disease and to develop molecular intercessions to correct them. Molecular structures and mechanisms are defined by Physical, chemical, biological, bioinformatics and medical methods. Molecular Medicine grows knowledge and skills in cellular and molecular biology.

Molecular diagnostics is a collection of procedures used to analyse an individual's genetic code and to identify biological markers in the genome and proteome. Molecular diagnostics apply molecular biology to see how cell direct their genes to medical testing.

Related Socities and Associations:

Bioinformatics society of India, Nutrigenomics Organization. The British Society for Genetic Medicine, The Genetics Society, Netherlands metabolomics center, The Australian biotechnology association, Human Proteome Organization, Indiana Proteomics Consortium, Proteome Society, European federation of biotechnology, Australasian Proteomics Society.

Related conferences

 Biochemistry Events, Metabolomics Conferences 2020, Proteomics Conferences 2020, Biochemistry Conferences 2020, Metabolomics Summit 2020

Track 15: Mass Spectrometry based Metabolomics

Metabolomics goals in comprehensive and quantitative analysis of wide groups of metabolites in biological samples. These numerous analyses have very various physico-chemical properties and occur at different abundance levels. A mass spectrometry is an analytical technique that measures the mass to charged particles (ions) from the chemical substances that are to be analyzed. The mass spectrometer then uses electric and magnetic fields to measure the mass of the charged particles. Mass spectrometry is used in many different fields and is useful for pure samples and complex mixtures.

Related Socities and Associations:

Clinical Genetics Society, Metabolomics Society, NIH West Coast Metabolomics Center, Metabolomics Workbench; Sciex Metabolomics Community, North West Metabolomics research centre, Canadian Society for Systems Biology, Human Metabolome Technologies (HMT), The International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB).

Related conferences

 Proteomics Summit 2020, protein Conferences, Bioinformatics Conferences, Lipidomics Conferences, Genomics Conferences, Epigenetics conferences

Track 16: Metabolomics in Precision Medicine

The new field of precision medicine is revolutionizing current medical practice and reshaping future medicine. Precision medicine aims to put the patient as the central driver of healthcare by increase biological knowledge and acknowledging the greater diversity of individuals. It is well recognised that complex gene–environment connections form normal physiological and disease methods.  Predicting normal and pathological states in patients requires dynamic and systematic understanding of these interactions. Systems medicine is a new concept based on holistic approaches for disease diagnosis and monitoring Regenerative medicine and predictive medicine and Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) Nutraceuticals.

Related Socities and Associations:

Metabolomics Australia, Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, Japanese Biochemistry Society, Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Zealand society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Metabolomics Society.

Related Key Words

Microbiomics Conferences, Foodomics Conferences , Metabolomics Conferences Asia, Proteomics Conferences Asia, Metabolomics Meetings



Market Analysis

Market Report

The metabolomics market was valued at USD 1,637.43 million in 2018, and is expected to reach USD 3,565.82 million by 2024. It is estimated to register a CAGR of 13.85%, during the forecast period (2019-2024). The use of the concepts of metabolomics proves to be cost effective especially while conducting toxicological studies on investigational drugs.

Global Metabolomics Market, 2015-2021 (USD Million)

The high growth rate for this market is primarily due to its high demand in scientific communities for better analysis of diseases, biological processes, and growing applications in healthcare. Especially geriatric population triggering the incidence rates of target diseases like diabetes and the rising prevalence of cancer are some of the other drivers of this market. There are a growing number of research universities collaborating with companies in developed markets, which use a combination of separation and detection techniques, such as GC-MS, for metabolite profiling of large sets of drugs for diagnosis and treatment of several chronic diseases. Rising demand for improved pharmaceutical products generated from emerging economies. These researches are often recognized at the national level, and governments with private equity partners provide funds for more research in biomarkers, and other related studies. 

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 10-11, 2020

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Metabolomics: Open Access Vitamins & Minerals Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques

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